Who will be the next Singapore Idol?

This week, after so many many weeks of Singapore Idol (what a grammar Renie.. hahaha), at last Jasmine Tye already OUT... hahaha... :) Do you believe that this girl gathered high votes wherein she's not a good singer... *sigh!!! most of the time she's out of tune... But good thing Singaporean already wake up this nightmare... hehehe... To be honest I'm so sad when Gayve Nerva & Mathilda D'Silva voted out... huhuhu.. I thought there's no more hope for Singapore Idol... :)

But last Thursday.. when jasmine voted out I'm so happy... hahaha... Sorry Jasmine for being rude but I'm just being honest... Maybe singing is not for you...

Watch her last wednesday... hmmquite okay 'lha but... (no more comments...hehehe)

Anywas, here are the TOP two for Singapore Idol... :)


Jonathan Leong... Although I'm not fan of Jon but I can say he can sing... :) Nice low voice... Watch his performance last Wednesday...

Next is Hady Mirza.. Remember I already mentioned him in this blog... I really like him.. nice voice... Here is his performance last Wednesday too... (He is my Idol 'lha!!!) Go HADY... I will vote for you... :)

Who do you think will be the next Singapore Idol???

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